Homefront Wiki

The United States of America, also referred to as America or the United States, is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district in North America.


In 2012, the United States began to lose its military prestige following its withdrawal from Iraq and later from the former South Korea that reintegrated with North Korea. Subsequently, by 2017, influenced by a worsening recession, the U.S. was forced to withdraw all its military presence from Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Without America's overseas presence, the newly created Greater Korean Republic saw this as an opportunity to expand their Asian territories in spite of U.S. diplomatic protests.

Due to the decline of the global economy that was exacerbated by the Oil Wars, the U.S. economy did not recover and America lost its status as a global superpower. The results were a substantial rise in gasoline prices and implemented under a rationing system[1]; deterioration in infrastructure including highways and superhighways being too costly to repair[2]; severe cold fronts that led to the creation of Federal-sponsored "National Heating Centers"[3]; a stricter interstate border control[4]; and a dramatic reduction in military spending.[5] By 2017, several major cities fell into civil unrest that forced the government to enact martial law.[6] The unrest continued into 2019 in which the military was ultimately granted the authority to manage civilian authorities under the controversial Operation Vital Archer.[7] By November 2020, stability was restored to America while many Americans grew to depend on the military for basic needs and safety.[8]

In 2021, the United States was badly affected by the "Knoxville Cough" pandemic that led to the deaths of six million Americans and becoming one of the major contributing factors to America's decline. The government was unable to appropriately respond as the nation's crumbling infrastructure and the high price of petroleum made the distribution of aid materials difficult and in some cases impossible.[9] The pandemic led to Mexico closing its borders to American refugees in 2022, in an attempt to prevent the contagion from spreading across the nations. The Greater Korean Republic offered on several occasions in the last two years to help the United States with material and military support, but the United States, while accepting continued assistance from Canada and Mexico, flatly rejected all offers of aid from outside North America (possibly due to the growing prominence of extremist inward-looking isolationist groups at this time).[10] Despite its internal situation beginning to stabilize, many questioned what role the United States had, if any, in a world now led by East Asia.[10]

By 2025, America's currency was so devastated by economic issues that the country's military and economy might have collapsed. What was once the most powerful nation on Earth is now no more than a corrupted and vulnerable shadow of her former self. As a result, on January 15, 2025, the U.S. was then hit by an electromagnetic pulse strike detonated by Korea's newly-launched communication satellite, rendering nearly every single electronic device throughout the continental United States obsolete. Now, hopelessly abandoned by her allies and its military crippled, America was invaded by the Korean People's Army on January 18. Within a year, Korean military forces overrun the Western United States until they stopped their advance at the Mississippi River, where they created an irradiated barrier throughout the Mississippi to literally split the United States in half. Thus leaving the Western States under GKR occupation, known as the New Korean Federation of Occupied America.


America under GKR oppression.

As of 2027, the Western United States was a bleak and oppressive landscape in which American citizens were prisoners in their own states. Anyone who attempted to oppose the KPA were executed or put into labor and reeducation camps. Despite this, the Americans in the occupied states formed a resistance movement, utilizing everything from decades-old military weapons to drone technology to fight against the Korean Occupation.

In 2027, the U.S. military forces regrouped and planned a major counter-offensive on Korean-held San Francisco that would seemingly tip the scales of the war in America's favor. The Resistance played an integral part in helping the planned assault by recovering jet fuel from the Koreans to be used for refueling American military aircraft during the battle. Both U.S. military forces and the Resistance launched their assault and succeeded in retaking San Francisco.


The turning point of the war in America's favor.

Thereafter, the Americans' offensive came out with success and proved to be a turning point with resistance cells and U.S. military forces rising against the Korean Occupation, as well as leading to an emergency call from the European Union to aid the United States in the war against the Greater Korean Republic.[11]



A Fallen America.

  • Due to the war and possibly the economic state of the country, the United States is a vastly different place in 2027. In the level Freedom, a map of the United States can be found in Boone's office, showing the drastic changes the country has gone through. In the occupied area Oregon and Washington are now the "Federation of Oregon" and "Federation of Washington," respectively.



Following its losses in the Vietnam War, the fallout of the Watergate Scandal, and the Apollo 10 disaster, the United States saw a steady decline in its national standing on the world stage. This is further compounded by its Cold War rival, the Soviet Union, gaining new alliances in the Middle East and controlling much of the world's oil supply in the 1970s.[1]

By 2003, the U.S. engaged in the War on Terror and invaded Iraq following the September 11th terrorist attacks in New York. This conflict soon expanded across the Middle East in which U.S. military forces intervened in Syria, Iran, and Egypt.[1] The domestic homefront in the U.S. also suffered from the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis despite the country continuing to support its wars in the Middle East under the reign of President John McCain.[1]

Naval Parade Shut Down

APEX shutdowns the U.S. military.

Desperate to commit more forces in its wars, the U.S. government turned to North Korea for investment in APEX military technology.[2] However, this caused the U.S. to be greatly indebted to North Korea combined with high unemployment and poverty stemmed from the mortgage crisis. America's wars in the Middle East took a dismal turn when Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh was destroyed in nuclear fire that killed over 200,000 U.S. troops in 2016.[1] The nuclear bombing of Riyadh provoked civil unrest in America and forcing the McCain administration to cancel the 2016 presidential elections and move the country into a state of emergency.[1] McCain was eventually forced to resign from office and was succeeded by Senator O'Reilly.[1]


The KPA provides humanitarian aid to Americans.

In 2022, the U.S. economy gradually collapsed and was unable to repay the accumulated 14 trillion dollars in war debt to North Korea.[2] Negotiations continued for years in which both sides failed to reach any agreement. On July 4, 2025, North Korean Premier John Tae-se belligerently decided to force the U.S. to reconsider Korean demands when he remotely deactivated the bulk of the U.S. military and almost all of its technology—all of which are APEX-branded hardware.[3] Tae-se then issued a demand to the U.S. government: to hand over their country to Korean military occupation until its debts were repaid. Although the government outright refused, the large majority of the American people—very desperate and deeply impoverished—turned against their government and welcomed the North Koreans for their promise of providing humanitarian and economic aid to the country.[2][1] The government soon fell under an "Emergency Administration" led by military governor Steven Kyle, who consented to John Tae-se's demands.[2]

The occupation goes almost unimpeded as the first KPA troops landed on American soil on July 19, 2025. North Korea's occupation was opposed by the United Nations, but it chose not to intervene against North Korea's actions due to many member states having their own reliance on APEX technology along with Russian oil and Chinese manufacturing. Although initially the Koreans provided humanitarian support to restore stability to the U.S.,[4][5] the Koreans soon proceeded to strip mine the country for its natural resources to repay the debt.[6]

Philly Occupation

Philadelphia under KPA occupation.

By 2027, North Korea had taken over the country. In spite of America's capitulation, however, a national resistance movement was formed against the Korean occupation. In the city of Philadelphia, a local militia staged an uprising against the KPA and turning the city into a war zone. Although this uprising was short-lived, the KPA took repressive measures in crushing any form of resistance against Korean rule.

But by 2029, Korean rule over America began to be shaken as Philadelphia unprecedentedly fell into a successful uprising. Although the Philadelphia uprising caused further revolts in other American cities, the uprisings were ultimately and brutally suppressed by the KPA. However, around this time, NATO declared war on North Korea and launched an invasion fleet to liberate Korean-occupied America.[7]

