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For the second time in a decade, the largest auto maker in America declared itself bankrupt
in a courtroom in lower Manhattan yesterday. Despite efforts by the US Government to prop
up the automaker and save the jobs of nearly 235,000 Americans, the company's overall
profitability has continued to spiral out of control.

Speaking on behalf of the White House, an aid to the president said that a second bailout
was "unlikely". "The United States Government has worked with GM to restructure their
operating process," the spokesman noted, "however, they have been unable to keep up with
demand for hybrid and high efficiency vehicles." With gas now averaging nine dollars a
gallon, American consumers are beginning to value cars that are less status symbols and
more machines of a specific quality and function.

Homefront newspapers
Why We Fight 01020304050607080910
Freedom 11121314151617181920212223242526
Fire Sale 2728293031323334
The Wall 3536373839404142
Heartland 43444546474849505152535455
Golden Gate 565758596061