- "We've confirmed news of a daring attack today against the primary KPA supply depot in Montrose. Although the Resistance suffered heavy losses, the mission was called a success. The courage and sacrifice of these men and women won't be forgotten. But, our enemies have also marked this day. Throughout the Occupation Zone, the KPA has increased security and pressured civilians to identify Resistance members. Citizens have "disappeared" in alarming numbers with reports of torture and executions. Some question the risks of rebellion. They fear reprisals- the boot to the door in the middle of the night. The price of our liberty has always been high. We must stand together now, or not at all. This is the Voice of Freedom."
- ―The Voice of Freedom
"The Wall" is the fourth chapter in Homefront.
After a bold raid, the squad heads home to meet with Boone and follow the tankers out of town. There are reports of KPA reprisals from the surrounding neighborhoods. In order to escape Montrose, you'll somehow have to get past the Wall.
Robert Jacobs, Connor, Rianna and Hopper return to the Oasis from their mission and are horrified to discover that the hideout has been compromised and all of the residents have been massacred by the KPA. Boone is shot and left hanging on a swing set. After mourning Boone, they move out of the Oasis to leave Montrose and find the fuel trucks. Connor radios to other surviving Resistance fighters about the loss of the Oasis and orders everyone to meet at the wall. Brooks also informs that the Gunnison cell has been similarly attacked by the 718 Division.
As they reach a cul-de-sac, they get ambushed by the KPA. Goliath is then used to assist the team in fighting the KPA while Jacobs protects Goliath against RPG soldiers. After destroying a tank, Goliath sustained heavy damage. Hopper fixes the drone and it resumes its way. The team then reaches the edge of a sewer river ditch, where they witness the KPA bombing Gunnison in retaliation to the Resistance's attack from last night.
The team then makes their way through the river and meets up with the Gunnison cell. They learn from Brooks that the wall is heavily guarded and the Resistance is taking heavy casualties. Furthermore, there are no Resistance reinforcements left as the KPA has been razing civilian settlements and killing everyone in sight. Upon hearing that the Gunnison cell has managed to salvage C4 explosives, Connor lays out his plan of attaching the C4 to Goliath and using it to breach the wall much to Hopper's reluctance. Jacobs and Connor lead the Resistance in clearing a path for Goliath by lowering barricades and eliminating RPG troopers.
After Goliath reaches the wall's entrance, Jacobs destroys Goliath with an RPG launcher, causing it to explode and destroy the gate in the process. Jacobs, Rianna, Hopper, and Connor board a Humvee and escape Montrose. They then travel into Utah to find a survivalist settlement where they have a helicopter to be used in chasing after the fuel tankers.
- Main article: The Wall/Transcript
- Profile: Kim Jong-il: Located in the alley after Connor clears the way.
- As Nationalism sweeps country, Korea blames economic woes on US: Located near the entrance of the above ground pool.
- Unified Korean Military will include many North Korean soldiers: At the Checkpoint: Goliath Returns, located inside the second house from the end on the right side.
- Two Koreas united in landmark vote: After destroying the tank, turn around and the left side of the barricade.
- The Charismatic Authority of Kim Jong-un: On a mound in the corner of the river.
- Canada ends "Open Borders policy with United States: Near the dumpster by the wounded resistance soldier.
- Martial Law Declared as US cities descend into chaos: Behind a dumpster next to the brick building.
- Korea declares war against Japan: At the garage near the Wall, head into the room to the right and check behind the desk.
- Main article: Homefront Achievements and Trophies
- The Wall (10/Bronze) - Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign.
- The Wall - Guerrilla (25/Bronze) - Complete chapter 4 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign.
- Iron Man - The Wall (25/Bronze) - Complete chapter 4 in the Single Player Campaign without dying or restarting a checkpoint.
- David Rejected (10/Bronze) - Complete the street section without Goliath taking any damage in Chapter 4: The Wall.
- There is a sign advertising the PWS Diablo SMG.
- "The Wall" is most likely a reference to Pink Floyd's 1979 album, "The Wall". The album deals with a man with collapsing sanity after building a metaphorical and emotional "wall" around him, driving him deeper and deeper into the darkest depths of insanity.
- The Humvee in the garage is the USMC version of the Humvee, albeit with the woodland-camouflaged hood and the trunk cover seen on the Korean version of the Humvee. However, after the wall is destroyed, it turns into the Korean version of the Humvee.
- In the pause menu, Humvee is written as 'HumVee', probably because "Humvee" is the most common pronunciation of the acronym HMMWV, meaning High Mobility Multi-purpose wheeled vehicle.