- "Many beyond the Wall have no allegiance to any cause, other than their own survival. If you must deal with them, be advised that they can be unpredictable, and a fair number are outright insane."
- ―The Voice of Freedom warning about the Survivalists.
The survivalists are an antagonistic faction in Homefront. They are only fought in only one level, Heartland.
Survivalists, according to Connor Morgan, have been preparing themselves for the end of the world since before the Y2K scare.[1] During the collapse of the United States economy, survivalist ideologies became very popular. When the GKR first invaded America in 2025 the survivalists retreated to large camps in the vast countryside of Utah and other states. Even though they are American, they hold little to no allegiance toward the Resistance, simply fighting for themselves and they are even not above giving captured Resistance fighters to the Korean People's Army in exchange for some form of payment.[2]

Dead KPA soldier displayed on a circus wheel.
They are extremely racist towards anyone of East Asian descent due to the aforementioned Korean aggression, prompting some groups to lynch Asian-Americans and KPA soldiers. They even captured KPA soldiers and possibly other ethnic East Asians to be use as slave labor. They also tortured and toyed with their captives for their sadistic amusement.
In 2027, Boone Karlson of the Montrose Resistance made an arrangement with a Utah survivalist group led by "The Captain" in order to use their helicopter for the Resistance's operation in helping the U.S. military in San Francisco. However, the survivalists reneged on their deal after learning about Boone's demise at the hands of the KPA and turned on what remains of Boone's Resistance group. They then made a new offer: giving over Hopper Lee and Rianna to them - heavily implying of using Rianna as a sex slave and killing or enslaving Hopper for his Korean ancestry - and be allowed to walk away. This forced the Resistance to fight the survivalists and taking their helicopter by force.

A survivalist with a Panzerfaust 3.
The survivalists used weapons use by both the U.S. military and KPA such as the M4 Rifle, M16, T3AK rifle, and RPG launchers.
Survivalists have 125 units of health, compared to 100 units of health for the normal KPA soldiers. As a result, they can survive one additional pistol, submachine gun, or assault rifle bullet compared to a KPA soldier.
- The Captain
- Bishop
- Bradley
- Bud
- Dodgson
- Francis
- Haslow
- Hickok
- Johnny
- Lou
- Mooch
- Morris
- Martin
- Nuttal
- Tim
- According to David Votypka, the survivalists were created to offset the one-sided depiction of making the "Americans only look like heroes, and the Koreans always the bad guys."[3]
- In Homefront: The Revolution, the 9-0 share some similarities with the Survivalists.
- ↑ Connor: "We don't know how many of them there are, but these guys have been prepared for the end of the world since before the Y2K scare. They're heavily armed and out of their fucking minds."
- ↑ Survivalist: "Try to take 'em alive! Koreans pay more if they're still kickin'!"
- ↑ David Votypka's interview from Homefront: Prima Official Game Guide: "Ultimately I feel that without them our world would have felt much more one-sided and single-minded. After you play the Survivalist level it's pretty diffcult to argue that this is a game that makes Americans only like heroes, and the Koreans always the bad guys."