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The Resistance is an American underground guerrilla movement that fought against the Korean occupation of the United States.


The Resistance is made up of American civilians and soldiers fighting to break the occupation. With the exception of the Pacific Territories, the Resistance are present in the 24 states of occupied America which include Alaska, Idaho, Hawaii, South Dakota, California, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska and Texas.

For the past two years of the occupation, many Resistance cells used guerrilla tactics, salvaged weapons, years of training, stealing Korean technology, and joined side by side to take back the mainland hoping to free their nation.


The Resistance movement began sometime after the Greater Korean Republic invaded the Western United States in 2025. The Resistance had not achieved more than token victories for two years until 2027.

In 2027, the Resistance cell in Montrose, Colorado aided the U.S. military in their counter-offensive in the West Coast by providing them recovered jet fuel. Although the Montrose cell succeeded, the KPA retaliated by destroying their headquarters and bombing Montrose.[1]

The Resistance participated in successfully retaking San Francisco. The San Francisco attack marked the turning point in America's war against the Korean occupation, inspiring Americans throughout the country to rise up against the GKR and encouraging the European Union to reconsider their neutrality and plan military aid for the United States.[2]

Weapons and Equipment[]

The Resistance uses any weapons they manage to salvage from both the United States military and Korean People's Army. The most common weapon the Resistance uses is the M4 Rifle. Effective fighting vehicles were in short supply for the Resistance.

Known cells[]

There are numerous Resistance cells, training centers and other locations based throughout occupied America.


  • Flagstaff



  • Eastern Kansas - The Resistance operates a radioactive recovery center, to aid victims of Operation Water Snake.
  • Wichita - Resistance training center.

North Dakota[]

  • In Southeastern North Dakota, the Resistance operates an insurgent training facility.


  • Oklahoma City[3]


  • Dallas[3]
  • San Antonio


  • Provo




  1. Homefront, campaign level The Wall
  2. Homefront, campaign level Golden Gate
  3. 3.0 3.1 Homefront: The Voice of Freedom, p. 265