Homefront Wiki

The people of Oasis are civilian survivors of the Korean-American War living in the community of Oasis.[1]


Ana tend the vegetable gardens with Michael. She was unsure how she felt about Robert Jacobs being at the Oasis.


Andrew is seen working on computer hardware during Robert Jacobs' first time in the Oasis.


Janice lived in Montrose, Colorado with her baby until the rescue of Robert Jacobs. During the rescue the American Resistance used her house as shelter when the KPA launched an assault on her neighborhood to find and kill the Resistance members. She attempted to flee her house shortly before the KPA started tossing tear gas into her house. Boone rescues and hides her and her baby until they drive off the KPA. After the Resistance drove off the KPA, they took her and her baby to the Oasis.


Michael help Ana tend the garden. When Ana expresses concern over Robert Jacobs being at the Oasis, he assures her it is fine.


Sally is seen making supper for the other residents. She feels that Connor is unappreciative of Boone's contributions. Her status after the KPA finds the Oasis is unknown.


Sid was seen taking care of and milking the goats for the children; he named one of his goats Nancy. He complained about the goats eating through everything, but figured as long as they continued to produce milk for the children it was fine. If Robert Jacobs stands around Sid's goats for too long, he begins to get creeped out by him.


Zach was seen in the community and his role was to pick up KPA radio transmissions.


Carlos is seen cooking food, specifically herbs and spices.


  • Talking to every inhabitants in Oasis earns the "Welcome to Freedom" achievement.
  • Andrew is named after Andrew Grant, the Lead Technical Animator who worked on Homefront.
  • Zach is named after Zach Wilson, one of the writers and level designers on Homefront.

