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It was announced by North Korea's primary news outlet today that Kim Jong-il, long serving
supreme leader of North Korea died of a sudden stroke. Intelligence reports have suggested
for years that the eccentric and reclusive dictator's health has been in a state of decline. His
son and appointed replacement, Kim Jong-un, immediately issued a press statement praising
the reign of his father and committing his government to a new era of peace and openness.
The statement included an abandonment of North Korea's nuclear aspirations.

The passing of Kim Jong-il was met with cautious optimism in Seoul, the capital of South
. The two countries have technically been at war for more than 60 years and many in
the region look forward to the day when the two countries are reunited.

Homefront newspapers
Why We Fight 01020304050607080910
Freedom 11121314151617181920212223242526
Fire Sale 2728293031323334
The Wall 3536373839404142
Heartland 43444546474849505152535455
Golden Gate 565758596061