Homefront Wiki

Montrose is a city in Colorado. It is occupied by the Korean People's Army after the Korean invasion of the western United States, and is fenced in by an expansive, enclosed barrier called "the Wall." The majority of Homefront takes place in and around Montrose.


Montrose was taken by the Korean People's Army on January 25, 2025. Due to the mountains around Montrose being rich in shale deposits, this gave the GKR the incentive to begin mining operations in the area.[1] Thousands of Montrose citizens were drafted and imprisoned in a labor camp to be used for slave labor to mine the shale deposits.[2] Initially, the occupation was relatively light until Resistance cells soon began arising throughout the city, which fell under the command of Boone Karlson. Eventually the KPA established a heavy presence in Montrose and constructed a wall to enclose Montrose.

Ben Walker traveled to Montrose and temporarily joined the Montrose Resistance cell, where he conducted his Voice of Freedom broadcasts.

By 2027, the Montrose Resistance plotted to recover fuel for U.S. military forces for their counteroffensive in San Francisco. The Resistance conducted their attacks on a labor camp and an occupied warehouse store, which resulted in the KPA retaliating by destroying the Oasis, bombing Gunnison and parts of Montrose. Montrose fell into open rebellion and the surviving members of the Montrose Resistance breached the Wall and escaped the city.[3]

Major Locations[]


This is the area where most residents now live, including Robert Jacobs, who was taken through it on a bus while the KPA executes civilians along main street. Important landmarks included what appeared to be the town hall, a KPA Labor camp holding area, KPA Checkpoint, a White Castle used by the Resistance to escape a KPA UH-60 Black Hawk, and a Fuel USA station that became Montrose's first major firefight.


These make up most of Montrose, and almost all are abandoned, save for a few squatter camps and resistance hideouts. This played host to a plane crash when the EMP blast shut down the nation's power grid. The Montrose Elementary Labor camp is located in this area. The Oasis is also built into these ruins.

The Wall[]

The KPA built the wall to keep the population controlled within the city, isolating them and, more importantly, the Resistance. The wall can be seen from many points within Montrose, including the school grounds. Several gates are also present. The Resistance destroyed one during their escape following the raid on a KPA fuel dump. The wall is the only place in Montrose where there are no Resistance tunnels, as Connor Morgan stated that it goes "all the way to the bedrock." It is unknown how many other US towns and cities are surrounded by similar barriers.



  1. Homefront: The Voice of Freedom, p. 220
  2. Ibid., p. 228
  3. Homefront, The Wall