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Hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens fled from cities and towns in southern Japan
after Korean Special Operations teams destroyed the Chugoku nuclear power plant last
week. A demolitions crew infiltrated the power plant and destroyed essential cooling
systems, causing a chain of events that ended with the reactor's core melting down,
resulting in a massive radiation leak. Concerns of exposure to radiation fueled a mass
exodus from nearby cities and towns as well as surrounding rural areas.

The international community continues to condemn the incursion by Korea into Japan, calling
the actions a "war crime" and "an act of terror"; however, many nations are unable to
respond, citing domestic issues. Yesterday, Kim Jong-un appeared on Korean State
Television in a broadcast that was immediately picked up by other major international news
organizations. In his address he offered peaceful reconciliation provided a series of demands
were met, including the surrender of the Japanese government. Kim strongly implied that
other reactors would follow the same fate as Chugoku's if his demands weren't met.

Since the start of the war, the Korean army and Special Forces teams have captured 26 of
Japan's nuclear power plants, many of them currently operational and located near major
metropolitan areas.

Homefront newspapers
Why We Fight 01020304050607080910
Freedom 11121314151617181920212223242526
Fire Sale 2728293031323334
The Wall 3536373839404142
Heartland 43444546474849505152535455
Golden Gate 565758596061