Homefront Wiki

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a nation in southwest Asia. It was once the center point of the Persian Empire. In the Seventh Century Iran was invaded by the Ummayad Caliphate, introducing Islam to Persia. By the Sixteenth Century Iran had established Shia Islam as its predominate faith. In 1979, the country's leader the Shah was overthrown by an Islamic Revolution that installed a dictatorial theocratic government. Iran would grow to be increasingly anti-American.

Homefront timeline[]

After the withdrawal of American military forces from the Middle East in 2012, Iran began to build a sphere of influence in the region and coming into direct conflict with its rival Saudi Arabia.[1] Both Iran and Saudi Arabia entered an arms race that saw both nations obtaining nuclear weapons in 2014.[2]

Following the collapse of Iraq's government in 2015, Iran occupied northern Iraq to protect Shia Muslims. Furthermore, Iran allied with the Iraqi Kurds in which they supported the formation of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq, allowing the Kurds to manage the Kurdish regions while Iran focuses on the majority Shiite regions.[3] Iran's occupation of the north prompted Saudi Arabia to occupy southern Iraq.[3] Iran's support of the Kurds also brought them into direct conflict with Turkey.[3]

Confronted with a Saudi Coalition of other Arab nations and Turkey with assistance from the United States, Iran built its own alliance with the Kurds and Afghanistan. The two coalitions eventually went to war on June 8, 2016. Iran used strategic airstrikes to cripple Arabia's oil wells, pipelines, and refineries.[4] The conflict apparently reached into a tentative stalemate by the end of 2016.

By 2020, Iran continued its occupation of Iraq, where they invited and coordinated with Korean Special Forces to launch a counter-insurgency in Iraq.[5]

Homefront: The Revolution timeline[]

By 2012, Iran was among the Middle Eastern nations that fought the United States during the so-called War on Terror. Iran was responsible for the nuclear destruction of Riyadh in 2016.

