Homefront Wiki
Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam re-naming ceremony, in honor of the Glorious Leader Kim Jong-un. Las Vegas, NV. November 24, 2026.

Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona.


During the early phase of the Korean-American War in 2025, Hoover Dam fell under the control of the KPA. For four months the KPA repaired the dam and in the process restoring running water to Las Vegas.[1] On November 24, 2026, Hoover Dam was renamed in honor of Kim Jong-un.


  • Hoover Dam appears in a loading screen in Homefront. Strangely, the tank on the left in the loading screen appears to be a German Tiger Tank instead of the Korean T-99 MBT. This is mostly likely just a mistake.

