- "You must be the pilot. I'm Boone Karlson. I founded this cell. The U.S. military's gathering near San Francisco. They need fuel. We've got a plan to get it there. But we need you."
- ―Karlson enlists Robert Jacobs
Boone Karlson was the leader of the Montrose Resistance in Homefront.
Boone was a former state police officer who served in Montrose County. After the Korean invasion, Boone was captured and later escaped from the detention camps, and organized the Montrose Resistance to liberate the American people.[1] He was responsible for leading the construction of the cell's compound, the Oasis.[1]
Recruiting Robert Jacobs[]
Boone arranged the rescue and recruitment of former Marine helicopter pilot Robert Jacobs to help in their mission to recover jet fuel for the U.S. Military that were preparing a counteroffensive on San Francisco. Jacobs's rescue almost turned awry as Connor Morgan and Rianna had drawn too much attention from the KPA and endangering nearby residents in a neighborhood. Boone admonished Connor for this action. After fighting off the KPA, Boone and the Resistance retreated to the Oasis with an unconscious Jacobs.
Retrieving the Beacons[]
After Jacobs recovered, Boone gave the new recruit a tour of Oasis before meeting with Connor to proceed with their next plan to steal tracking beacons from a school used as a labor exchange facility. Boone was left critically wounded by a Sentry Tower and was forced to return to the Oasis to recover. After the beacons were acquired, Boone bids good luck to Connor, Jacobs, Rianna, and Hopper on their attack on a KPA-occupied warehouse store where the fuel trucks were located.
Sometime after Boone's allies left, the KPA somehow discovered the Oasis and attacked the sanctuary in retaliation for the Resistance's recent actions. Everyone were executed while Boone was killed for last. Boone was left hanging on a swingset with both arms tied up as a statement to the remaining resistance fighters.
Boone was a level-headed leader who was somewhat beaten down by the fighting. With those who served under him, Boone played the role of a father figure to his group.[1]
- In earlier gameplay, he had the same outfit but was caucasian with a full head of hair and a beard.